Revision and sweets!

Do you believe in pathetic fallacy? That is to say, that if the weather outside is frightening, then something frightening must be going on inside? Shakespeare…Twas a dark and stormy night and all that jazz. I only say this because I really hope it’s not true! These past two days it has bucketed with rain, and I just had my biology exam this afternoon. I definitely passed, but I’ll guess I’ll get back to you in a few weeks when the results are out. And we’ll see if really the weather mimics the state of the world.

But now, back to food. Or rather, on to food. :) As a study break on Thursday, I made some tiffin. Tiffin is a Scottish treat that is made when you make a syrup out of butter sugar, golden syrup, and cocoa powder and mix it with crushed digestive biscuits and raisins. To top that heavenly mixture off, you pour melted chocolate over it all. Divine.

Previously I’d only had tiffin before from bakeries or from hall dinner, but it didn’t seem to tricky at all to make. And it was quick and no bake. A perfect treat to make for those chocolate, sugar cravings that you get from all that studying!

Anyways, I took the last of them with me to my exam today and shared the love (and chocolate) out among my friends after we got out of our exam. I must say, tiffin could easily become one of my favourite no bake bar treats!

The recipe is one that I adapted from here. Tiffin is not really a scientific treat and I think you can be fairly free with your ingredient amounts and mix them up. I was thinking that these could be amazing with white chocolate and dried cranberries! Mmmmm. That’s one that will have to get made at some point.


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